The Advantages of Using Pellet Stoves for Home Heating
Pellet stoves are a highly efficient heating source. They offer all the benefits of wood heating plus fuel that is clean, compact and easy to use. The pellets are made from all-natural wood by-products that are safe for the environment and are a renewable resource. They offer convenient automated operation, often with programmable settings for temperature control. They can heat small to medium-sized spaces effectively and are suitable for homes seeking a renewable energy heating option. Overall, they provide a reliable and eco-conscious alternative to conventional heating methods.
Highly Efficient Heat Source

Controlled convective heat

Thermostat is an option

Pellets come on a 4’ by 4’ pallet approximately 50 -40 lb bags

Hard Wood Pellets
● 100% Hardwoods
● Environmentally Friendly
● Bio-degradable
● No Preservatives
● No Chemicals
● Extremely Low Ash
Both brands come in 40 lb bags as well as 23.8 lb bags.
We deliver within 1 hour of our location!!!
Super Premium Softwood Pellet Fuel!

● CO2-neutral
● No chemical binders or additives
● Subject to regular third party testing
● Ash Content is .24%