Vented Gas Logs
Vented gas logs are the best way to achieve a realistic-looking fire. Designed for traditional wood fireplaces, Vented logs are a safe, mess-free alternative to firewood. Vented logs produce a full, natural-looking flame presentation. They typically come with an expansive ember bed that mimics the warm glow of wood embers in a dying fire. The main drawback with Vented logs is efficiency.
Just like a real wood fire, you must have a working chimney with a damper. You'll need to keep the damper open to prevent the buildup of hot air, gas, and combustion byproducts in your home. With the damper open, most of the heat will escape through the chimney. This is why most customers purchase Vented logs for decoration, rather than reliable heat.
Ventless Logs
If warmth is what you’re after, then a Ventless gas log set is perfect solution. Vent-Free gas logs are extremely efficient and provide an exceptional amount of heat for your home. Ventless logs don't require a chimney or venting system. All the heat produced circulates back into your home, rather than escaping through the chimney.
They achieve clean, smokeless flames and burn at nearly 100% efficiency, allowing them to operate safely without a chimney. While Ventless logs can appear quite realistic, the flames are smaller than Vented sets and often feature a blue tint.